Певица Валерия

Валерия Show me the way

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Текст песни Show me the way

Show me the Way - I will go there
Show me the Way - I will go there
Show me a sign - show someone cares for me now

Give me a high - mountain to climb
Give me a deep - river so wide
Teach me to let - go of my pride
Fill this emptiness

Tell me which direction to go
Tell me if I`m moving too slow
I will follow you into the morning
Set my goal and I will achieve
Test my soul and I will believe
Never be afraid to ask too much of me

Show me the Way - I will go there
Show me the Way - I will go where
Show me a sign - show someone cares for me now

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песни Валерии

Две розы, Show me the way, Самолет, Не обижай меня, Таю, Неподконтрольно, Разрушить любовь, Боль! (Счастье на части), Ноктюрн, а также многие другие.