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Валерия It`s over

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Текст песни It`s over

You never heard my tender voice
You never touched me when you held me tight
A midnigth wind blows through my soul
I know it`s over for us now

And like a flower filled with rain
My head hangs heavy in the frozen sky
The waters swirl around my head
I know it`s over for us now
I know it`s over for us now

I tried so hard not seem like a fool,
but I ended up proving it -
When I looked in your eyes,
I suddenly realised that it was the last time
I`d ever see you for the rest of my life -
Now, just before I go to sleep,
this is the worst time, and I know I`ll feel
this way forever

I feel my future waiting now
Just like a horse waits with a broken leg
The only time is Nevermore
I know it`s over for us now

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песни Валерии

Только раз бывает в жизни встреча, Stay with me, Believing, Мальчики не плачут, Была любовь, Ты поймешь, Отпусти меня, Ноктюрн, Капелькою, Линии руки, а также многие другие.